Friday, 10 February 2012

Bad news

Did my CT scan last two days, the result are bad. My chinese medic are not doing very well. in 6 months, the tumour have spread to my left lung and the right lung tumour are getting bigger.

Should I continue with chinese medic and Qi Gong or should I go for Alimta. Doctor advice go alimta for 6 cycle then stop and rest. This will prolonged my life span. Looking at the 2 blogger, both with different choice after 3 years still facing the same difficulty really make me down.

My sister in law are making new medic for me to try again.

Yesterday, I have suck out the water in my lung, I think I felt better today. But the doctor say the water will be back anytime as the tumour is very active.

1 comment:

  1. Me too, when lung fluid build up and drain out in Oct 2010 , doctor say that it may come back . God bless, after the treatment with Alimta , it stable my condition and upto now, lung fluid still under control . Anyway, if happen it build up again, doctor can perform a procedure to inject some kind of powder o chest wall , help o seal up the gap to minimise fluid build .
    E mail me and I will send you the information . I did my fluid drain out in Sunway by one of the surgeon. ( )
    About Alimta,it did work well for me in 2009 , 3 cycles Alimta + Cisplatin , scan show stable , then , rest for 3 months, start again with only Alimta . Then, rest for six months, scan show stable . Continue to rest and fuild start buld up , proceed to drain out , then, scan show tumor grow double the size .
    Start Alimta again , 3 cycles in 2010 , scan show stable , Reat for 6 months , scan still show stable . I rest again and have scan 3 monhs later . Too back , tumor grow again for about 3 cm in just 3 months .
    Now I know that the treatment for 3 cycles will last me stable for not more than 6 months .
    Proceed chemo with another drug Texotere for 3 cycles , scan show stable and take a rest . The side effect is tough.
    By now it is about 4 months . Scan just few days before last Christmas still show stable . Anyway, decided to start treatment , plan for 3 cycles with Alimta + Carboplatin, as I would like to have holiday in coming June school holiday , so, do it now and by June I should be ready to travel .
