Monday, 29 August 2011

New plan for my life

Today after consulting the doctor, I realize all this while she is just trying to prolonged my life till one day I die. But this is not what I want. I want a solution. To me this is already like gambling. If I buy chemo, I might die immediatelly or may have 3 years of life. Coz my money can cover 3 years. If I go chinese medicines, I might also die immediately or have longer live Span.

Then to go continue chemo seem not a very good choice as the prop ability of living the most is only 3 years. She tell me my tumor will not have chance to disappear. We can only control the size and spread.

So many cases in Malaysia that people live even thought doctor tell them they have 3 months left. Doctor did not tell me how ling is my life but so I should be in better position than those who doctor say only got 3 months left.

Today is my last day of chemotherapy. After 9 cycle, I finally felt like being cheated. Even without the 9 times chemotherapy I might still be living for this 6 months. Is never too late.

Next week once my white blood cells are back to normal, I will follow the new live. Chinese medicine here I come.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry that your doctor did not tell you from day one that there is no cure for stage 4 lung cancer for upto now , be it chemo or radiation or surgery . It is basically to prolong the cancer patient life .
    But, again, there is many people survive with it for longer then the expected time given .
    So, be it the conventional treatment with chemo / radiation / surgery or with alternative treatment, there is no right or wrong decision in choosing the type of treatment.
    Important is to go for something that we feel comfortable and have the confidence with it and live our life easy and enjoy each day .
    You did ask me the question of why I always off treatment . The answer is that since chemo will not cure me, but, it did somehow stable my condition to some extend. So, I am monitoring my condition with the chemo treatment and thanks God that I manage to monitor it by this way for over 3 years now .
    If this round of chemo I am doing now can control the situation for another year, means I will be 4 years and very near to my first target of 5 year living with it.
    Anyway, what is the CT scan result after your 9 cycles of chemo ?
