Monday, 15 August 2011

Western or Chinese

To continue or to change. I'm in the dilemma, should I try Ssg or continue my treatment. It remind me my mum. At that point of time, I have never ask my mum "how are you?" how is your treatment? I did not even know how to care my mum. I really regret when she past away. I have never thought that my mum diagnose at the age 45 and I diagnose at 31.

I have discuss with my husband and we decided to do both together. The chemo and SSG. I try to search on web for a similar case with me, but could find one.


  1. the herbalogist at seremban Pantai herb farm did mention that herbs should be taken after 2 hours of taking western medicine

  2. When you are on chemo treatment, you have to be very careful in dealing with Chinese medicine.
    Reason being the chemo drug is putting heavy burden to our kidney and liver. For chinese medicine, it need our kidney and liver to works well to eliminate all the toxic too .
    Have a proper discussion with doctor before u make any decision for chinese medicine during chemo .
    One way you can do is to visit hospital where they provide western and chinese treatment together, i.e. Tong Shin Hospital, I think the doctor there can give better opinion .

  3. The chinese medicine I took is to cleanse the kidney and also anti cancer. During my 1st chemo I did not take and I couldn't even walk. Now I can run with this chinese medicine. I have not side effect from 2nd chemo onward. Only the 1st day felt tired.

  4. it's true, but u shd always listen to yr own body. western meds cannot help much in reducing chemo effects. chinese herbs can tho not scientifically proven. always leave at least 2 hrs gap between mixing the two. and for chinese herbs, start with small amount to test your body. natural food are always the best choice

  5. China has incorporated Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with conventional medicine since 1949. One of the most documented cases are use of herbs to lower the effects of chemotherapy and I have many clinical evidences from TCM books from China about the effectiveness. I also know of a distributor of TCM medicine in Subang Jaya which sell herbs to lower chemotherapy effects for the past 15 years and so far most have reported good results.

    I will guarantee that your oncologist or specialist doctor will not know nothing about TCM and to prevent you from suing them, they will advise you to stay away.

    In TCM, chemotherapy is extremely hot (you will have constipation problems, need to drink lots of water or even take ice cubes). SSG is a cooling herb. Depending on your body condition, you may or may not be able withstand the combination.

    SSG is still very new and there are not many TCM practitioners in Malaysia that knows about SSG. So thread with caution.

  6. I found SSG selling in tea bag. Where you can drink it as water. The seller ask me to consume 1500ml a day. Do you think is effective? As my SSG cannot growth so fast. I'm trying it out. The 1st day, I went to toilet 4 x a day but the next (today) I think I got a litter constipation.

  7. So far what I found out from SSG growers are that many cancer patients responded positively to SSG leaves. I am not sure about SSG tea bags.

    Remember when you are on chemotherapy, you need to drink lots of fluids in order to avoid constipation problems. You may consider taking CO-Q10 supplement to improve your energy levels.
